but feebly built, to that of Hercules hold-
ing up Antceus from the Earth.
Et lonpum invalidi collum cervicibus a~
Herculis Antaum procul a tellure tenen-
tis. Sat. 3.
His long Cyane Neck and narrow Shoul-
ders prailey
You’d think they were describing Her-
Lifting Anteus —— . Dryden.
What a strain’d unnatural Similitude
must this seem to- a Modern Reader, but
how full of Humour, if we suppose it
alludes to any celebrated Statues of these
T wo Champions, that flood perhaps in
some publick Place or High-way near
Rome ? And what makes it more than
probable there were such Statues, we
meet with the Figures, which 'Juvenal
here describes, on Antique Intaglio’s and
Medals. Nay, Propertius has taken no-
tice of the very Statues.
-Luctantum in pulvere figna
Herculis Antaique- Lib. 3. Car. 1.
Ant ecus
but feebly built, to that of Hercules hold-
ing up Antceus from the Earth.
Et lonpum invalidi collum cervicibus a~
Herculis Antaum procul a tellure tenen-
tis. Sat. 3.
His long Cyane Neck and narrow Shoul-
ders prailey
You’d think they were describing Her-
Lifting Anteus —— . Dryden.
What a strain’d unnatural Similitude
must this seem to- a Modern Reader, but
how full of Humour, if we suppose it
alludes to any celebrated Statues of these
T wo Champions, that flood perhaps in
some publick Place or High-way near
Rome ? And what makes it more than
probable there were such Statues, we
meet with the Figures, which 'Juvenal
here describes, on Antique Intaglio’s and
Medals. Nay, Propertius has taken no-
tice of the very Statues.
-Luctantum in pulvere figna
Herculis Antaique- Lib. 3. Car. 1.
Ant ecus