ROME. £39
better Light than if we suppose that the
Poet aims only at the old Story of Mele-
ager, without considering it as so very
common and familiar a one among the
-———Flavi dignus serro Meleagri
Spumat aper--Juv. S.y.
A Boar intire, and worthy of the Sword
Os Meleager^ smoaks upon the Board.
Mr. Bowles.
In the beginning of the Ninth Satyr
Juvenal asks his Friend why he looks
like Marfya when he was overcome ?
8dire velim.quare totiesmzhi Navole tristis
Oceurris fronte obduStd) ceu Marfya vidtus ?
Tell me why faunt’ring thus from Place
to Place,
I meet thee, NevoluS) with a clouded
Face ? Dryden's Juvenal.
Some of the Commentators tell us,
that Marfya was a Lawyer who had lost
his Cause j others say that this Passage
alludes to the Story of the Satire Mar-
f/aS) who contended with Apollo which
I think is more humorous than the other,
better Light than if we suppose that the
Poet aims only at the old Story of Mele-
ager, without considering it as so very
common and familiar a one among the
-———Flavi dignus serro Meleagri
Spumat aper--Juv. S.y.
A Boar intire, and worthy of the Sword
Os Meleager^ smoaks upon the Board.
Mr. Bowles.
In the beginning of the Ninth Satyr
Juvenal asks his Friend why he looks
like Marfya when he was overcome ?
8dire velim.quare totiesmzhi Navole tristis
Oceurris fronte obduStd) ceu Marfya vidtus ?
Tell me why faunt’ring thus from Place
to Place,
I meet thee, NevoluS) with a clouded
Face ? Dryden's Juvenal.
Some of the Commentators tell us,
that Marfya was a Lawyer who had lost
his Cause j others say that this Passage
alludes to the Story of the Satire Mar-
f/aS) who contended with Apollo which
I think is more humorous than the other,