Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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ROME. 141
of the old Roman Soldiers, and the Fi-
gures that were generally Engraven on
their Helmets. The First of ’em was
the Wolf giving Suck to Romulus and
Rhemus : The Second, which is com-
prehended in the Two last Verses, is not
lb Intelligible. Some of the Commen-
tators tell us, that the God here men-
tion’d is Mars.) that he comes to see his
Two Sons sucking the Wolf, and that
the old Sculptors generally drew their
Figures naked, that they might have the
Advantage of representing the different
Swelling of the Muscles, and the Turns
of the Body. But they are extremely
at a Loss to know what is meant by the
W ord Pendentis 5 some fancy it expresses
only the great Embossment of the Fi-
gure, others believe it hung off the Hel-
met in .dlto Relievo, as in the foregoing
Transsation. Lubin supposes that the
God Mars was Engraven on the Shield,
and that he is said to be hanging, because
the Shield which bore him hung on the
Left Shoulder. One of the old Inter-
preters is of Opinion, that by hanging
is only meaht; a Posture of bending for-
have it, that whatever is placed on the
Head may be said to hang, as we call
M hang-