i6o ROME.
their Pains, what they found in the Bo-
some of it. I have seen the Valley near
Ponte nolle which they propos’d to fa-
shion into anew Channel for it, ’till they
had clear’d the old for its Reception.
The Pope however would not comply
with the Proposal, as fearing the Heats
might advance too far before they had
finished their Work, and produce aPesti-
lence among his People 5 tho’ I don’t
see why such a Design might not be ex-
ecuted now with as little Danger as in
jsuguftus's Time, were there as many
Hands employ’d upon it. The City of
Rome would receive a great Advantage
from the Undertaking, as it would raise
the Banks and deepen the Bed of the
'Tiber, and by Consequence free ’em from
those frequent Inundations to which
they are so subjedt at present 5 for the
Channel of the River is observed to be
narrower within the Walls, than either
below or above them.
Before I quit this Subject of the Sta-
tues, I think it very obscrvable, that a-
mong those which arealready found there
should be so many not only of the same
Persons, but made after the same Design.
One would not indeed wonder to see se-
veral Figures of particular Deities and
Emperors, who had a Multitude of Tem-
ples ere&ed
ral Sets of ’
Thus CeW,
useful of d
more Statue
or Goddesse
presented in
one finds as 1
lent Empero
the rest toge
had so great
1 ry, that it g
ligion to pre
! molt every
comes it to
Statues are t
del, and not
I as had no R
rest or Dev
dying Ch/
j leaning aga
Boy with d
and her Sw,
same Natui
, look upon!
Copies of!
Originals, 1
^fture, an
their Pains, what they found in the Bo-
some of it. I have seen the Valley near
Ponte nolle which they propos’d to fa-
shion into anew Channel for it, ’till they
had clear’d the old for its Reception.
The Pope however would not comply
with the Proposal, as fearing the Heats
might advance too far before they had
finished their Work, and produce aPesti-
lence among his People 5 tho’ I don’t
see why such a Design might not be ex-
ecuted now with as little Danger as in
jsuguftus's Time, were there as many
Hands employ’d upon it. The City of
Rome would receive a great Advantage
from the Undertaking, as it would raise
the Banks and deepen the Bed of the
'Tiber, and by Consequence free ’em from
those frequent Inundations to which
they are so subjedt at present 5 for the
Channel of the River is observed to be
narrower within the Walls, than either
below or above them.
Before I quit this Subject of the Sta-
tues, I think it very obscrvable, that a-
mong those which arealready found there
should be so many not only of the same
Persons, but made after the same Design.
One would not indeed wonder to see se-
veral Figures of particular Deities and
Emperors, who had a Multitude of Tem-
ples ere&ed
ral Sets of ’
Thus CeW,
useful of d
more Statue
or Goddesse
presented in
one finds as 1
lent Empero
the rest toge
had so great
1 ry, that it g
ligion to pre
! molt every
comes it to
Statues are t
del, and not
I as had no R
rest or Dev
dying Ch/
j leaning aga
Boy with d
and her Sw,
same Natui
, look upon!
Copies of!
Originals, 1
^fture, an