Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
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ROME. 163
the Mother (Ceres') on that Occasion. I
have since obseryed the same Device up-
on several Sarcophagi, that have enclos’d
the Ashes of Men or Boys, Maids or
Matrons j for when the Thought took,
tho’ at firfl: it received its Rise from
such a particular Occasion as I have
mention’d, the Ignorance of the Sculptors
apply’d it promiscuously. I know there
are Authors who discover a Mystery in
this Device.
A Man is sometimes surprized to find
so many extravagant Fancies as are cut
on the old Pagan Tombs. Masks, Hun-
ting-matches, and Bacchanals are very
common 5 sometimes one meets with a
lewd Figure of a Priapus, and in the
Villa Pamphilia is seen a Satyr coupling
with a Goat. There are however many
of a more serious Nature, that shadow
out the Existence of the Soul after
Death, and the Hopes of a happy Im-
mortality. I cannot leave the Bajjo Relie-
vo's without mentioning one of ’em,
. where the Thought is extreamly noble.
It is call’d Homer's Apotheofis, and con-
sists of a Groupe of Figures cut in the
same Block of Marble, and rising one a-
bove another by Four or Five different
Ascents. Jupiter sits at the Top of it
with a Thunderbolt in his Hand, and,