M R O M E.
shows the first is generally rejected as
spurious: nor is the other, tho’ cited in the
last Edition of MonsieurTiz/ZZ^Z, esteem’d
more Authentick by the present Roman
Medallists, who are certainly the most
skilful in the World, as to the Mecha-
nical Part of this Science. I stiall close
up this Set of Medals with a very Cu-
rious one, as large as a Medalion, that
is singular in its kind. On one Side is
the Head of the Emperor Trajan, the
Reverse has on it the Circus Maximus^
and a View of the Side of the Palatine
Mountain that faces it, on which are
seen several Edifices, and among the rest
the famous Temple of Apollo, that has
still a considerable Ruin standing. This
Medal I saw in the Hands of Monseig-
neur Str-ozzi, Brother to the Duke of
that Name, who has many Curiosities
in his Possession, and is very obliging to
a Stranger who desires the Sight os
’em. Itisasurprisingthing, that among
the great Pieces of Architecture repre-
sented on the ol one can never
meet with the Pantheon, the Mausolaum
ef Auguftus, Nero's Golden House, the
Moles Adriani, the Septizonium of Seve-
rus, the Baths of Diaclejian, But
ilr.ee it was the Custom of the Roman
perors thus to Register their most
and face tl
thesc kinds
more ext rat
we may, I
suspeft our
be extreme'
which arc a
a Proportioi
ver’d. A A
Pleasure in 1'
who compai
Jt is possible
little Know
Two Arts ill
there are sev
itnd Antiquit
Tight from ai
he impossible
the ma:
them, -st is
Hi the Kin
and Emperesse
,wirh a Thom
at,ng to Statu
W other K
* stands t
W°Ws Qo;
fctf® p
shows the first is generally rejected as
spurious: nor is the other, tho’ cited in the
last Edition of MonsieurTiz/ZZ^Z, esteem’d
more Authentick by the present Roman
Medallists, who are certainly the most
skilful in the World, as to the Mecha-
nical Part of this Science. I stiall close
up this Set of Medals with a very Cu-
rious one, as large as a Medalion, that
is singular in its kind. On one Side is
the Head of the Emperor Trajan, the
Reverse has on it the Circus Maximus^
and a View of the Side of the Palatine
Mountain that faces it, on which are
seen several Edifices, and among the rest
the famous Temple of Apollo, that has
still a considerable Ruin standing. This
Medal I saw in the Hands of Monseig-
neur Str-ozzi, Brother to the Duke of
that Name, who has many Curiosities
in his Possession, and is very obliging to
a Stranger who desires the Sight os
’em. Itisasurprisingthing, that among
the great Pieces of Architecture repre-
sented on the ol one can never
meet with the Pantheon, the Mausolaum
ef Auguftus, Nero's Golden House, the
Moles Adriani, the Septizonium of Seve-
rus, the Baths of Diaclejian, But
ilr.ee it was the Custom of the Roman
perors thus to Register their most
and face tl
thesc kinds
more ext rat
we may, I
suspeft our
be extreme'
which arc a
a Proportioi
ver’d. A A
Pleasure in 1'
who compai
Jt is possible
little Know
Two Arts ill
there are sev
itnd Antiquit
Tight from ai
he impossible
the ma:
them, -st is
Hi the Kin
and Emperesse
,wirh a Thom
at,ng to Statu
W other K
* stands t
W°Ws Qo;
fctf® p