ROMS. 269
Brazen Figure os Marcus Aurelius on
Horseback, there is no doubt of its be-
ing of this Age, tho’ I must confess it
may be doubted, whether the Medal I
have cited represents it. All I can say
for it is, that the Horse and Man on the
Medal are in the same Posturc as they
are on the Statue, and that there is a
Resemblance of Marcus Aurelius's Face,
for I have seen this Reverse on a Meda-
lion of Don Livio's Cabinet, and much
more distin&ly in another very beautisul
one, that is in the Hands of Signior Marc.
Antonio. It is generally objected, that
Lucius Verus would rather have placed
the Figure of himself on Horseback up-
on the Reverse of his own Coin, than
the Figure of Marcus Aurelius. But it
is very well known that an Emperor
often stamp’d on his Coins the Face or
Ornaments of his Collegue, as an In-
stance of his Respeft or Friendihsip sor
him; and we may Fuppose Lucius Ver us
would omit no Opportunity of doing
Honour to Marcus Aurelius* whom he
rather revered as his Father, than treat-
ed as his Partner in the Empire. The
Famous Antinous in the Belvidere r
have been made too about this Age, for
he dyed towards the middle of Adrian's
Reign, the immediate Predecessbr of
N ; An-
Brazen Figure os Marcus Aurelius on
Horseback, there is no doubt of its be-
ing of this Age, tho’ I must confess it
may be doubted, whether the Medal I
have cited represents it. All I can say
for it is, that the Horse and Man on the
Medal are in the same Posturc as they
are on the Statue, and that there is a
Resemblance of Marcus Aurelius's Face,
for I have seen this Reverse on a Meda-
lion of Don Livio's Cabinet, and much
more distin&ly in another very beautisul
one, that is in the Hands of Signior Marc.
Antonio. It is generally objected, that
Lucius Verus would rather have placed
the Figure of himself on Horseback up-
on the Reverse of his own Coin, than
the Figure of Marcus Aurelius. But it
is very well known that an Emperor
often stamp’d on his Coins the Face or
Ornaments of his Collegue, as an In-
stance of his Respeft or Friendihsip sor
him; and we may Fuppose Lucius Ver us
would omit no Opportunity of doing
Honour to Marcus Aurelius* whom he
rather revered as his Father, than treat-
ed as his Partner in the Empire. The
Famous Antinous in the Belvidere r
have been made too about this Age, for
he dyed towards the middle of Adrian's
Reign, the immediate Predecessbr of
N ; An-