Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
ROME. 2.71
are so very ssow, that he scarce lives up-
on what he gains by it. He fliow’d me
a Piece of Porphyry work’d into an or-
dinary Salver, which had cost him Four
Months continual Application, before
he could bring it into that Form. The
Ancients had probably some Secret to
the Stone, or that it was naturally softcr
tural Product of Mines and Quarries.
The most valuable Pillars about Ah?7?*,
are the Four Columns of Oriental Ja«
sptr in St. Paulina's Chappel at St. Sda-
•ria Maggiore-, Two of Oriental Gra-
nite in St. Pudenziana -, One of Tran-
Library j Four of Nero-Bianco in St.
Cecilia Lrans-tevere -, Two of Brocatel-
Livio's Palace 5 Two of Giallo Antico in
St. "John Lateran^ and Two of Verdi
Antique in the Villa Pamphilia. These arc
such kinds of Marble as are no where
N 4 ther