Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Sight, without minding whether or no
they approach’d to a Mathematical Ex-
aftness: Others will have it rather to be
an Effect of Art, and of what the Italians
call the Gufto grande, than of any Negli-
gence in the Architect ; for they say
the Ancients always considcr’d the Situ-
ation of a Building, whether it were
high or low, in an open Square or in a
narrow Street, and more or less devia-
ted from their Rules of Ast, to comply
with theseveral Distances and Elevations
from which their Works were to be re-
garded. It is said there is an Ionic Pillar
in the Santa Maria Iranftevere, where
the Marks of the Compass are still to be
feen on the Volute, and that Palladio
learnt from hence the working of that
difficult Problem 5 but I never could sind
time to examine all the old Columns
of that Church. Among the Pil-
lars I must not pass over the Two no-
blest in the World, those of 2"-ajan and
Antonine. There could not have been
a more magnificent Design than that of
Trajan's Pillar. Where could an Empe-
ror’s Ashes have been so nobly lodg’d,
as in the midst of his Metropolis, and
on the Top of so exalted a Monument,
with the greatest of his Actions under-
■ th him ? Or, as sorae will have it,,
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