^88 Towns within the
Here the loud Anio's boist’rous Clamours
That with submissive Murmurs glides in
To his old Sire the Tiber-——
At Frefcati I had the Satisfaction of
seeing the First Sketch of Terfailles in
the Walks and Water-Works. The
Prospeft from it was doubtless much
more delightful formerly, when the Cam-
fania was set thick with Towns, Villas
and Plantations. Cicero's Tufculum was
at a Place call’d Grotto Ferrate, about
Two Miles off this Town, tho’ most
of the Modern Writers have fix’d it to
Frefcati. Nardini says, there was found
among the Ruins at Grotto Ferrate a
Piece of Sculpture which Cicero himself
mentions in one of his familiar Epistles.
In going to Frefcati we had a fair View
of Mount Algido.
On our Way to Palasirina we saw
the Lake Regillus, famous for the Ap-
parition of Caftor and Pollux^ who were
here seen to give their Horses Drink af-
ter the Battel between the Romans and
the Son-in-Law of Tar quin. At some
distance from it we had a View of the
Lacus GabimiS) that is much larger than
the former,
hout half a A
a Modem Aq
to observe ho
and Rills, th:
of the Moun
conveyed thn
into the main
It was certair
seeing it had <
queduCts, that
aRangeof M
bourhood. Foi
take up their
they pleased,
such an Engii
I the Claudian
Miles, and 11
of Five Foot
I the Advantat
|®d the low
Ikina stands ■
Towns in It
the cool Brec
calls it Al
I.?®, becausi
toF0rtUne tj
i,ra§®ents of
the M con
Here the loud Anio's boist’rous Clamours
That with submissive Murmurs glides in
To his old Sire the Tiber-——
At Frefcati I had the Satisfaction of
seeing the First Sketch of Terfailles in
the Walks and Water-Works. The
Prospeft from it was doubtless much
more delightful formerly, when the Cam-
fania was set thick with Towns, Villas
and Plantations. Cicero's Tufculum was
at a Place call’d Grotto Ferrate, about
Two Miles off this Town, tho’ most
of the Modern Writers have fix’d it to
Frefcati. Nardini says, there was found
among the Ruins at Grotto Ferrate a
Piece of Sculpture which Cicero himself
mentions in one of his familiar Epistles.
In going to Frefcati we had a fair View
of Mount Algido.
On our Way to Palasirina we saw
the Lake Regillus, famous for the Ap-
parition of Caftor and Pollux^ who were
here seen to give their Horses Drink af-
ter the Battel between the Romans and
the Son-in-Law of Tar quin. At some
distance from it we had a View of the
Lacus GabimiS) that is much larger than
the former,
hout half a A
a Modem Aq
to observe ho
and Rills, th:
of the Moun
conveyed thn
into the main
It was certair
seeing it had <
queduCts, that
aRangeof M
bourhood. Foi
take up their
they pleased,
such an Engii
I the Claudian
Miles, and 11
of Five Foot
I the Advantat
|®d the low
Ikina stands ■
Towns in It
the cool Brec
calls it Al
I.?®, becausi
toF0rtUne tj
i,ra§®ents of
the M con