Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
xjo Towns within the
a very beautiful Mofaic Pavement, the
finest I have ever seen in Marble. The
Parts are so well join’d together, that
the whole Piece looks like a continued
Picture. There are in it the Figures of
a Rhinoceros, of Elephants, and of se-
veral other Animals, with little Land-
skips which look very lively and well
painted, tho’ they are made out of the
natural Colours and Shadows of the
Marble. I do not remember ever to
have met with any old Roman Mosaic,
composed of little Pieces of Clay half
vitrify’d,and prepared at the Glass-Hou-
ses, which the Italians c-^Smalte. These
are much in use at present, and may be
made of what Colour and Figure the
Work-man pleases, which is a Modern
Improvement of the Art, and enables
those who are employ’d in it to make
much finer Pieces of Mofaic than they
did formerly.
In our Excursion to Albano we went
as far as Nemi, that takes its Name from
the Nemus Diana. The whole Coun-
try thereabouts is still over-run with
Woods and Thickets. The Lake of
Nemi lyes in a very deep Bottom, so
surrounded on all Sides with Mountains
and Groves, that the Surface of it is ne-
ver ruffled with the lead Breath of

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