Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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z$6 Towns within the Heigh
as' it were,
Tercentum numeral)at avos, quos turbine \ Rme- At
Martis, Mmtesiafcot
Mbfiulit una Dies, citmfors non aqua la- £^i Faty
bori 4 of it the T
Patricio Cremera ynaculavit fanguine ri- j call’d Bilfa
fas. Sil. It. L. i.
Autfositis i
Fabius a num’rous Ancestry could tell,
Three Hundred Heroes that in Battel -Votf
fell, Cover’d wit
Near the fam’d Crentera’s disast’rous with Wi
That ran polluted with Patrician Blood. I law in ■
an antique
We saw afterwards, in the Progress kind whicl
of our Voyage, the Lakes of Fico and very entire.
Bolfena. The last is reckon’d One and graven on a
Twenty Miles in Circuit, and is plenti- prefcntatio
fully dock’d with Fish and Fowl There Inhabitant
are in it a couple of Issands, that are Figures at
perhaps the Two ssoating Isses menti- not have t
oned by Pliny, with that improbable for the PR
Circumstance of their appearing some- ter having
times like a Circle, and sometimes like
a Triangle, but never like a Quadran- Situation
gle. It is easie enough to conceive how which sen
they might become fix’d, th o’ they from the (
once ssoated 5 and it is not very credi-
ble, that the Naturalist could be decei- highcstM
ved in his Account of a Place that lay, is ™