Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Sienna^ Leghorn^ S3ija. 301
can make a prettier Show to those who
prefer false Beauties, and affected Orna-
ments, to a Noble and Majestick Sim-
plicity. Over-against this Church stands
a large Hospital, crofted by a Shooe-Ma-
ker who has been Beatify’d, tho’ ne-
ver Sainted. There stands a Figure of
him superscrib’d, Sutor ultra Crepidam.
I shal: (peak nothing of the Extent of
this y, the Cleanliness of its Streets,
nor the Beauty of its Piazza, which so
many '1 ravellers have described. As this
is the hist Republick that fell under the
Subjection of the Duke of Florence^ so
is it stili supposed to retain many Han-
kerings after its ancient Liberty: For
this Reason, when the Keys and Page-
ants of the Duke’s Towns and Govern-
ments pass in Procession before him, on
St. John Baptist’s Day, I was told that
Sienna comes in the Rear of his Do-
minions, and is push’d forward by those
who follow, to fliow the Relustancy
it has to appear in such a Solemnity. I
shall say nothing of the many gross and
absurd Traditions of St. Catherine of Si-
enna yAvo is the great Saint of this Place.
I think there is as much Pleasure in
hearing a Man tell his Dreams, as in
reading Accounts of this Nature: A
Traveller, that thinks them worth his