304 Sienna, Leghorne, Tisa.
Vallies of Pifa, Florence, and other Parts
of Tufcany, must make their Way thro’
several Duties and Taxes before they
can reach the Port. The Canal that
runs from the Sea into the Arno gives
a convenient Carriage to all Goods that
are to be shipp’d off, which does not
a little enrich the Owners $ and in pro-
portion, as private Men grow wealthy,
theirLegacies,Law-Suits, Daughter’s the
Portions, &c. encrease, in all which the
Great Duke comes in for a considerable
Share.The Lucquese, who Traffick at this
Port, aresaid to bring in a great deal into
the Duke’s Coffers. Another Advantage,
which may be of great use to him, is,
that at Five or Six Days warning he
might find Credit in this Town for
very large summs of Money, which no
other Prince in Italy can pretend to. I
need not take notice of the Reputati-
on that this Port gives him among Fo-
reign Princes, but there is one Benesit
arisingfromit, which, tho’never thrown
into the Account, is doubtless very con-
siderable. It is well known how the
Pifans and Florentines long regretted the
Loss of their ancient L berty, and their
Subjection to a Fa lily that some of
them thought then .elves equal to, in
the ssourishing Times of their Com-
Vallies of Pifa, Florence, and other Parts
of Tufcany, must make their Way thro’
several Duties and Taxes before they
can reach the Port. The Canal that
runs from the Sea into the Arno gives
a convenient Carriage to all Goods that
are to be shipp’d off, which does not
a little enrich the Owners $ and in pro-
portion, as private Men grow wealthy,
theirLegacies,Law-Suits, Daughter’s the
Portions, &c. encrease, in all which the
Great Duke comes in for a considerable
Share.The Lucquese, who Traffick at this
Port, aresaid to bring in a great deal into
the Duke’s Coffers. Another Advantage,
which may be of great use to him, is,
that at Five or Six Days warning he
might find Credit in this Town for
very large summs of Money, which no
other Prince in Italy can pretend to. I
need not take notice of the Reputati-
on that this Port gives him among Fo-
reign Princes, but there is one Benesit
arisingfromit, which, tho’never thrown
into the Account, is doubtless very con-
siderable. It is well known how the
Pifans and Florentines long regretted the
Loss of their ancient L berty, and their
Subjection to a Fa lily that some of
them thought then .elves equal to, in
the ssourishing Times of their Com-