DHad the good Luck to be at
Florence when there was an
Opera adted, which was the
Eighth that I had seen in
Italy. I could not but smile
to read the Solemn Protestation of the
Poet in the fir st Page, where he declares
that he believes neither in the Fates, Dei-
ties, or Destinies 5 and that if he has
made use of the Words, it is purely out
of a Poetical Liberty, and not from his
real Sentiments, for that in all these Par-
ticulars he believes as the Holy Mother
Church believes and commands.
Le ccoci Fato^ Deita^ Defiino^ e SimiU,
che per entro quefio Drama trovarai, fon
vneJJ'e per ijcherzo poetico^ e non per Senti-
wento vero^ credendo Sempre in tatto quel-
loy cbe erode, e comanda Santa Madre
cl. ie,ra.
There are some beautiful Palaces in
Florence and as Tufcan Pillars and Ru-
DHad the good Luck to be at
Florence when there was an
Opera adted, which was the
Eighth that I had seen in
Italy. I could not but smile
to read the Solemn Protestation of the
Poet in the fir st Page, where he declares
that he believes neither in the Fates, Dei-
ties, or Destinies 5 and that if he has
made use of the Words, it is purely out
of a Poetical Liberty, and not from his
real Sentiments, for that in all these Par-
ticulars he believes as the Holy Mother
Church believes and commands.
Le ccoci Fato^ Deita^ Defiino^ e SimiU,
che per entro quefio Drama trovarai, fon
vneJJ'e per ijcherzo poetico^ e non per Senti-
wento vero^ credendo Sempre in tatto quel-
loy cbe erode, e comanda Santa Madre
cl. ie,ra.
There are some beautiful Palaces in
Florence and as Tufcan Pillars and Ru-