Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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these Black Statues of the Nile which
are cut in a kind of Touchstone.
Usque coloratis amnis devexus ab Indis.
Virg. Geor. 4. de Nilo.
At one End of the Gallery standTwo
antique Marble Pillars,curioussy wrought
with the Figures of the old Roman Arms
and Internments of War. After a full
Survey of the Gallery, we were led in-
to Four or Five Chambers of Curiosities
that stand on the Side of it. The First
was a Cabinet of Antiquities, made up-
chiessy of Idols, Talismans, Lamps and'
Hieroglyphics. I saw nothing in it that
I was not before acquainted with, except
the Four following Figures in Brass.
I. A little Image of Juno Sifpita^ or
Sofpita, which perhaps is not to be met
with any where else but on Medals. She
is cloathed in a Goats-skin, the Horns
ssicking out above her Head. The Right
Arm is broken that probably supported
a Shield, and the Left a little desac'd,
tho’ one may see it held something in its
Grasp formerly. The Feet arc bare. I
remember ‘Tally's, Description of this
Goddcss in the following Words.
Hercle inquit quam tibi illam nofiram
Sofpitam quam tu ntinquam ni in Som-
rnis videsy nifi cum pelle Caprine^