concluded from the Measure of her
Wrist; for from theBigness of any one
Part it is easie to guess at all the rest,
in a Figure of such nice Proportions.
The Softness of the Flefli, the Delica-
cy of the Shape, Air and Posture, and
the Correchids of Design in this Statue
are inexpressible. I have several Rea-
sons to believe that the Name of the
Sculptor' on the Pedestal is not so old
as the Statue. This Figure of Venus
put me in Mind of a Speech flie makes
in one of the Greek Epigrams.
TufivLujaich Jlapu jize tc, Av^’cns ’ AAavir,
Ttss oVa/jiovtss. Fls c/lt ttcGsu-;
Anchifes^ Paris^ and Adonis too
Have seen me naked, and expos’d to
view 5
All these I frankly own without deny-
But where has this Praxiteles been pry-
There is another Venus in the same
Circle, that would make a good Figure
any where else. There are among the old’
2?(W»««Statues several of'Venus in different
Postures and Habits, as there are many
particular Figures of her made after tire
concluded from the Measure of her
Wrist; for from theBigness of any one
Part it is easie to guess at all the rest,
in a Figure of such nice Proportions.
The Softness of the Flefli, the Delica-
cy of the Shape, Air and Posture, and
the Correchids of Design in this Statue
are inexpressible. I have several Rea-
sons to believe that the Name of the
Sculptor' on the Pedestal is not so old
as the Statue. This Figure of Venus
put me in Mind of a Speech flie makes
in one of the Greek Epigrams.
TufivLujaich Jlapu jize tc, Av^’cns ’ AAavir,
Ttss oVa/jiovtss. Fls c/lt ttcGsu-;
Anchifes^ Paris^ and Adonis too
Have seen me naked, and expos’d to
view 5
All these I frankly own without deny-
But where has this Praxiteles been pry-
There is another Venus in the same
Circle, that would make a good Figure
any where else. There are among the old’
2?(W»««Statues several of'Venus in different
Postures and Habits, as there are many
particular Figures of her made after tire