Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Warmth Turing &c. 341
©ther, and which makes feme amends
for the Badness of the Pavement. By
the help of a River, that runs on the
upper Side of the Town, they can con-
vey a little Stream of Water through
all the most considerable Streets, which
serves to cleansethe Gutters, and carries
away all the Filth that is swept into it.
The Manager opens his Since every
Night, and distributes the Water into
what Quarters of the Town he plcascs.
Besides the ordinary Convenience that
arises from it, it is of great lise when a
Fire chances to break out, for at a few
Minutes warning they have a little Ri-
. ver running by the very Walls of the
House that is Burning. The Court of
Turin is reckoned the most splendid and
Polite-of any in Italy \ but by reason
of its being in Mourning, I could not
see it in its Magnificence. The com-
mon People of this State are more ex-
asperated against the French than even
the rest of the Italians. For the great
Mischiefs they have suffered from them
, are still fresh upon their Memories, and
notwithstanding this Interval os Peace,
one may easily trace out theseveral Mar-
ches which the French Armies have made
through their Country, by the Ruin
and Desolation they have left behind
Q_ 5 them.