Bern comes in For that of Vaud. Gene-
va and its little Territories lye in the
Heart of these Three States. Thegrcat-
est part of the Town Hands upon a Hill,
and has its Views bounded on all Sides by
several Ranges of Mountains, which are
however a| so great a Pittance, that'
they leave open a wonderful Variety of
beautiful Prospects. The Situation os
these Mountains has some particular Ef-
fects on the Country, which they en-
close. As first, they cover it from all'.
: Winds, except the South and North.
’Tis to the last of these Winds that the.
Inhabitants of Geneva ascribe the Health-
fulness of their Air 5 for as the dips sur-
round them on all sides, they form avast
■ kind of Bason, where there would be a*
constant Stagnation of Vapours, the
Country being so well water’d, did not
. the North Wind put them in Motion, ,,
and scatter them from time to time.
Another Effect the dips- have on Ge-
neva. is, that the Sun here rises later,
and sets sooner than it does to other
Places of the same Latitude. I have
often obferved that the Tops of the
neighbouring Mountains have been co-
vered with ' Light above half an Hour
after the Sun is down, in respedt of
thofevzho live Geneva.. These Moun-
va and its little Territories lye in the
Heart of these Three States. Thegrcat-
est part of the Town Hands upon a Hill,
and has its Views bounded on all Sides by
several Ranges of Mountains, which are
however a| so great a Pittance, that'
they leave open a wonderful Variety of
beautiful Prospects. The Situation os
these Mountains has some particular Ef-
fects on the Country, which they en-
close. As first, they cover it from all'.
: Winds, except the South and North.
’Tis to the last of these Winds that the.
Inhabitants of Geneva ascribe the Health-
fulness of their Air 5 for as the dips sur-
round them on all sides, they form avast
■ kind of Bason, where there would be a*
constant Stagnation of Vapours, the
Country being so well water’d, did not
. the North Wind put them in Motion, ,,
and scatter them from time to time.
Another Effect the dips- have on Ge-
neva. is, that the Sun here rises later,
and sets sooner than it does to other
Places of the same Latitude. I have
often obferved that the Tops of the
neighbouring Mountains have been co-
vered with ' Light above half an Hour
after the Sun is down, in respedt of
thofevzho live Geneva.. These Moun-