Geneva and the Lake. jyi
tificate. However it was, he had not
been here half a Year before hewascho-
sen Pope by the Council of Basil who
took upon them to Depose Eugenio the
Fourth. This promised fair at first, but
by the Death of the Emperor, who fa-
voured Amadeo^ and the Resolution of
Eugenio? the greatest part of the Church
threw it self again under the Govern-
ment of their deposedHead. Our An-
ti-Pope however was still supported by
the Council of Basil, and owned by Sa-
•voy, Switzerland.) and a few other little
States. This Schism lasted in the Church
Nine Ycars, after which Felix voluntarily
resigned his Title into the Hands of Pope
Nicholas the Fifth,, but on the following
Conditions, That Amadeo should be the
Firfl; Cardinal in the Conclave j That
the Pope should always receive him
standing, and offer him his Mouth to
kiisj That he should be perpetual Car-
dinal-Legate in the States of Savoy and
Switzerland^ and in the Archbifliopricks
q£-, Geneva^ Sion^ Bress, &c. And last-
ly, That all the Cardinals of his Crea-
tion should be recognized by the Pope.
After he had made a Peace so acceptable
to the Church, and so honourable to
himself, he spent the Remainder of his
Life with great Devotion at Ripaille?
tificate. However it was, he had not
been here half a Year before hewascho-
sen Pope by the Council of Basil who
took upon them to Depose Eugenio the
Fourth. This promised fair at first, but
by the Death of the Emperor, who fa-
voured Amadeo^ and the Resolution of
Eugenio? the greatest part of the Church
threw it self again under the Govern-
ment of their deposedHead. Our An-
ti-Pope however was still supported by
the Council of Basil, and owned by Sa-
•voy, Switzerland.) and a few other little
States. This Schism lasted in the Church
Nine Ycars, after which Felix voluntarily
resigned his Title into the Hands of Pope
Nicholas the Fifth,, but on the following
Conditions, That Amadeo should be the
Firfl; Cardinal in the Conclave j That
the Pope should always receive him
standing, and offer him his Mouth to
kiisj That he should be perpetual Car-
dinal-Legate in the States of Savoy and
Switzerland^ and in the Archbifliopricks
q£-, Geneva^ Sion^ Bress, &c. And last-
ly, That all the Cardinals of his Crea-
tion should be recognized by the Pope.
After he had made a Peace so acceptable
to the Church, and so honourable to
himself, he spent the Remainder of his
Life with great Devotion at Ripaille?