Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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yji Switzerland.
We lay one Night at Meldingen^ which
is a little Roman Catholick Town with
one Church, and no Convent. It is a
Republick of it self under the Protedti-
on of the Eight ancient Cantons. There
are in it a Hundred Bourgeois, and about
a Thousand Souls. Their Government
is modelled after the same manner with
that of the Cantons, as much as so (mall
a Community can imitate those of so
large an Extent. For this Reason though
they have very little Business to do, they
have all the Variety of Councils and Of-
ficers that are to be met with in the
greater States. They have a Town-
House to meet in, adorn’d with the Arms
of the Eight Cantons their Protestors.
They have Three Councils, the Great
Council of Fourteen, the Little Coun-
cil of Ten, and the Privy Council of
Three. The chief of the State are the
Two Avoyers: When I was there the
.Reigning Avoyer, or Doge of the Com-
monwealth, was Son- to the Inn where
I was lodged. His Father having enjoy’d
the same Honours before him. His Re-
venue amounts to about Thirty Pound a
Year. The several Councils meet every
'Thurfday upon Affairs of State, such as
the Reparation of a Trough, the mend-
ing of a Pavement, or any the like