Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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380 Switzerland.
to gather together all the Modern In”
scriptions which are to be met with in
Roman Catholick Countries, as Gruter
and others have copy’d out the ancient
Heathen Monuments. Had we Two
stions, I am sure there is nothing in the
World could give a truer Idea of the
Roman Catholick Religion, nor expose
more the Pride, Vanity and Self-Inte-
rest of Convents, the Abuse of Indul-
gencies, the Folly and Impertinence of
Votaries, and in short the Superstition,
Credulity, and Childishness of the Ro-
man Catholick Religion. One might
fill several Sheets at St. Gaul, as there
are few considerable Convents or
Churches that would not afford large
As the King of France distributes his
Pensions through all the Parts of Swit-
zerland, the Town and Abby of St. Gaul
come in too for their Share. To the
Firss he gives Five Hundred Crowns
per Annum, and to the other a Thou-
sand. This Pension has not been paid
these Three Years, which they attribute
to their not acknowledging the Duke
of Anjou for King of Spain. The Town
and Abby of St. Gaul carry a Bear for

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