Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
3 8 2, Switzerland.
ments, which are so divided among them-
selvcs in Matters of Religion, maintain
so uninterrupted an Union and Corre-
spondence, that no one of them is for
Invading the Rights of another, but re-
mains content within the Bounds of its
First Establifliment. This, I think, must
be chiessy ascribed to the Nature of the
People, and the Constitution of their
Governments. Were the Swist animated
by Zeal or Ambition, some or other of
their States would immediately break in
upon the rest; or were the States so ma-
ny Principalities, they might often have
an ambitious Soveraign at the Head of
them, that would embroil his Neigh-
bours, and sacrifice the Repose of his
Subjects to his own Glory. But as the In-
habitants of these Countries are naturally
of a heavy Phlegmatick Temper, if any
of their leading Members have more Fire
and Spirit than comes to their Share, it
is quickly temper’d by the Coldness and
Moderation or the rest who sit at the
Helm with them. To this we may add,
that the Alps is the worst Spot of
Ground in the World to make Conquests
in, a great Part of its Governments be-
ing so naturally intrench’d among Woods
and Mountains. However it be, we
find no such Disorders among them as