40i Tirol, Infyruck, Hall, &c.
Government in his Hands, lived in this
was eredted to him by his Grand-Son
the Auftrian Greatness. For as by his
own Marriage he annnexed the Low-
Countries to the House of Auftria, so
by matching his Son to Joan of Arra-
dom of Spain, and by the Marriage of
Hungary. This Monument is only Ho-
norary, for the Allies of the Emperor
lye elsewhere. On the Top of it is a
Brazen Figure of Maximilian on his
Knees, and on
tiftil Bas Relies
of this Prmcc.
nels of Sculpt
On each Side
Row of -
Ser than th
inting vb.''
ther related to
rest is one tin!
vent tell us rc
had that At',:■
question then
ther os He-:ry
poufed Cathar
whole Divorc
on to fuch 11
This Chi
thefirst. One
Modern Arcl
that the
J<eof th<
tee very well
no\ at kast
4t the Kno,
Government in his Hands, lived in this
was eredted to him by his Grand-Son
the Auftrian Greatness. For as by his
own Marriage he annnexed the Low-
Countries to the House of Auftria, so
by matching his Son to Joan of Arra-
dom of Spain, and by the Marriage of
Hungary. This Monument is only Ho-
norary, for the Allies of the Emperor
lye elsewhere. On the Top of it is a
Brazen Figure of Maximilian on his
Knees, and on
tiftil Bas Relies
of this Prmcc.
nels of Sculpt
On each Side
Row of -
Ser than th
inting vb.''
ther related to
rest is one tin!
vent tell us rc
had that At',:■
question then
ther os He-:ry
poufed Cathar
whole Divorc
on to fuch 11
This Chi
thefirst. One
Modern Arcl
that the
J<eof th<
tee very well
no\ at kast
4t the Kno,