40 3 Tirol) Insprtick) Hall) &c.
to follow the Windings of this Rivet
■Inn through such a Variety of pleating
Scenes as the Course of it naturally led
us. We had sometimes on each Side
us a vast Extent of naked Rocks and
Mountains, broken into a Thousand ir-
regular Steeps and Precipices j in other
Places we saw a long Forest of Fir-Trees
so thick set together, that it was impos-
siblc to discover any of the Soil they
grew upon, and riling up so regularly
one above another, as to give us the
View of a whole Wood at once. The
time of the Year, that had given the
Leaves of the Trees so many different
Colours, compleated the Beauty of the
Prospect. But as the Materials of a fine
Landskip are not always the mo st profi-
table to the Owner of them, we met
with but very little Corn or Pasturage
for the Proportion of Earth that we
pass’d through, the Lands of the Urol
not being able to feed the Inhabitants.
This long Valley of the Tirol lyes en-
clofed on all Sides by the .rflpS) tho’
its Dominions shoot out into several
Branches that lye among the Breaks and
Hollows of the Mountains. It is go-
vern’d by Three Councils residing at
Infyruck) one sits upon Life and Death,
the other is for Taxes and Impositions,
aid a third
from the Imp
Cases there -.u:
ofthe Emperor,
rally well fortify
mny different G<
isevere Trc.it 17.
10 set up for .1
'eminent of tom
Hides t?
[®es out of its
1 They ■
f than it v.\
pthoutthe ' /
Sn Parts. ‘
^ttadcls at
to follow the Windings of this Rivet
■Inn through such a Variety of pleating
Scenes as the Course of it naturally led
us. We had sometimes on each Side
us a vast Extent of naked Rocks and
Mountains, broken into a Thousand ir-
regular Steeps and Precipices j in other
Places we saw a long Forest of Fir-Trees
so thick set together, that it was impos-
siblc to discover any of the Soil they
grew upon, and riling up so regularly
one above another, as to give us the
View of a whole Wood at once. The
time of the Year, that had given the
Leaves of the Trees so many different
Colours, compleated the Beauty of the
Prospect. But as the Materials of a fine
Landskip are not always the mo st profi-
table to the Owner of them, we met
with but very little Corn or Pasturage
for the Proportion of Earth that we
pass’d through, the Lands of the Urol
not being able to feed the Inhabitants.
This long Valley of the Tirol lyes en-
clofed on all Sides by the .rflpS) tho’
its Dominions shoot out into several
Branches that lye among the Breaks and
Hollows of the Mountains. It is go-
vern’d by Three Councils residing at
Infyruck) one sits upon Life and Death,
the other is for Taxes and Impositions,
aid a third
from the Imp
Cases there -.u:
ofthe Emperor,
rally well fortify
mny different G<
isevere Trc.it 17.
10 set up for .1
'eminent of tom
Hides t?
[®es out of its
1 They ■
f than it v.\
pthoutthe ' /
Sn Parts. ‘
^ttadcls at