St. Bartholomew his samous Statue in the great
Church in Milan, 22.
Bern, its publick Walks, 366. and Arfenal,%&].
Bolonia, sor what samous ,332. its Rarities, 333«
Brescia, why more savour'd by the Venetians
than any other Part os their Dominions, 40,
41. famous sor its Iron-Works, ibid.
Calvin, his Advice to the Genevois besore his
Death, 387.
Caprea dejcrib'd, 192, &c. its sruitsul Soil, 193.
some Account os the Me dais sound in it, 201.
Cassis, a French Part, its p leaf ant Neighbour*
hood, 1.
Cennis, a Mountain between Turin and Gene-
va, 34?.
St, Charles Borromeo his subterraneous Chapel
in Milan, 22. an Account os that Saint, 23;
compar'd with the ordinary Saints in the Ro-
man Church, ibid.
Cimmerians, where placed by Homer, 216.
Civita Vecchia, its unwholesome Air, 307.
Clitumnus, the Quality of its Waters, 114.
Colonna Infame, a Pillar at Milan, 30. the
Occasion of it, ibid.
Consessionals, Infcriptiens over them, 16.
English courted by the present Pope to settle at
Civita Vecchia, 306.
Escargatoire, the uje os it, 364,
Fano, srom whence fo call'd, 107.
Felix the Fisth, his Story, 3^0.
St. Bartholomew his samous Statue in the great
Church in Milan, 22.
Bern, its publick Walks, 366. and Arfenal,%&].
Bolonia, sor what samous ,332. its Rarities, 333«
Brescia, why more savour'd by the Venetians
than any other Part os their Dominions, 40,
41. famous sor its Iron-Works, ibid.
Calvin, his Advice to the Genevois besore his
Death, 387.
Caprea dejcrib'd, 192, &c. its sruitsul Soil, 193.
some Account os the Me dais sound in it, 201.
Cassis, a French Part, its p leaf ant Neighbour*
hood, 1.
Cennis, a Mountain between Turin and Gene-
va, 34?.
St, Charles Borromeo his subterraneous Chapel
in Milan, 22. an Account os that Saint, 23;
compar'd with the ordinary Saints in the Ro-
man Church, ibid.
Cimmerians, where placed by Homer, 216.
Civita Vecchia, its unwholesome Air, 307.
Clitumnus, the Quality of its Waters, 114.
Colonna Infame, a Pillar at Milan, 30. the
Occasion of it, ibid.
Consessionals, Infcriptiens over them, 16.
English courted by the present Pope to settle at
Civita Vecchia, 306.
Escargatoire, the uje os it, 364,
Fano, srom whence fo call'd, 107.
Felix the Fisth, his Story, 3^0.