Genoa, its Defcription, 9, &c. its Bank
no Burden to the Genoese, 12. why uncap able
of being made a sree Port, 307*
St.. George his Church at Verona. 450
Granaries, the Administration os 'em in Swit-
zerland, 5*04.
Grotto del Cani, fame Experiments made in if
176, 177. Reasons offer''d sor the EffeSis os its
Vapours, 177, 178.
Grotto Oscuro, 199.
Gulf of Genoa, its Nature, 4.
Hall, its Salt Works, 4050 the Method of prepa-
ring'em, ibid, its Mint, ibid<
H n y the Eighth os England, his Lett er to Ann
of Bulloyn, 281.
Here ■ s Monascus, 6,
Homer his Apotheosis, 263.
esaits their particular Compliment to the Queen
of the Romans in a Comedy dejign'd sor her
Entertainment, 400.
In'p.uck, its publick Buildings, 399.
Ifchia, by the Ancients call'd Inarime, 210. some
Account os it, ibid.
Italians, the ufual Furniture os their Libraries,
compar'd to the French, 34. the disserence
os Manners in the two Nations, ibid. the great
Aversion to the French ebferv'd in the common
People, gs, 36. feme Reajons sor it, 36, 37. their
extravagant Tombftones,^6. the difference be-
twixt their Poetical and Profe Language,
a great help to their modern Poetry,vdiA. their
Comedies low and obfeene, a Reafon sor it,
Genoa, its Defcription, 9, &c. its Bank
no Burden to the Genoese, 12. why uncap able
of being made a sree Port, 307*
St.. George his Church at Verona. 450
Granaries, the Administration os 'em in Swit-
zerland, 5*04.
Grotto del Cani, fame Experiments made in if
176, 177. Reasons offer''d sor the EffeSis os its
Vapours, 177, 178.
Grotto Oscuro, 199.
Gulf of Genoa, its Nature, 4.
Hall, its Salt Works, 4050 the Method of prepa-
ring'em, ibid, its Mint, ibid<
H n y the Eighth os England, his Lett er to Ann
of Bulloyn, 281.
Here ■ s Monascus, 6,
Homer his Apotheosis, 263.
esaits their particular Compliment to the Queen
of the Romans in a Comedy dejign'd sor her
Entertainment, 400.
In'p.uck, its publick Buildings, 399.
Ifchia, by the Ancients call'd Inarime, 210. some
Account os it, ibid.
Italians, the ufual Furniture os their Libraries,
compar'd to the French, 34. the disserence
os Manners in the two Nations, ibid. the great
Aversion to the French ebferv'd in the common
People, gs, 36. feme Reajons sor it, 36, 37. their
extravagant Tombftones,^6. the difference be-
twixt their Poetical and Profe Language,
a great help to their modern Poetry,vdiA. their
Comedies low and obfeene, a Reafon sor it,