Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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ibid. their great Secrecy in Matters of
State, 71. an Inftance os it, ibid, the Num*<
her os their Nobility, 72. their Opercd
a Custom peculiar to the Venetians, 79. dShow
particular to them exhibited on Holy Thurs-
day, 80. defcrib'dby Claudian, ibid.
Venice, its advantagious Situation, 61. conve-
nient sor Commerce, 63. its Trade declining,
ibid, the Reajonos it, 63, 64. its Defcription,
64. remarkable sor its Pitlures srom the bejl
Hands, 6$, 66. the Moifture os its Air, 66.
its Arsenal,6y. its Carnival, ^^.the Necessity
and Confequences os it, ibid*
Venus her Chambers, 172.
Verona, its Amphitheater, 43, 44. its Antiqui-
ties, 4^.
Vesuvio defined, 179, &c. much disserent srom
Martial’/ Account os it, 19^.
Virgil’/ Tomb, 164.
Ulyiles hisj/oyage undetermirddby the Learned,3*
Volturno describ'd, 143.
Zurich, an Account os it, 373.

F I N I S.