Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Coptic Studies.


Rxifurus and the Lausiac History, have been analyzed and criticized by Dr.
C. Schmidt.19 The view of Preusschen that Bufinus was the translator of
a Greek original and the contrary conclusion of Butler that the Greek is
but secondary, are stated; but Dr. S.'s words make it difficult to see which
opinion he himself adopts. Apparently it is that of Dom Butler, with
whom he also agrees as to the Palladian chronology.

Among Lagarde's vellum fragments at Gottingen Prof. Pietschmann has
discovered20 some remnants of a Bohairic collection of Apophthegmatq,
corresponding probably to texts in Books III, V, and VI of the Vitas
Patrum. These are the first Bohairic texts of the kind which have been
published. The British Museum, however, possesses one or two fragments
of a similar, if not of the same MS.

1 regret that the discovery by Dr. Iselin, in 1895, of a Coptic passage
borrowed from or modelled on the Apostolic Didaehe escaped my notice.
The same appears to have been its fate elsewhere ; for, as Prof. Ladeuze
points out,21 M. Benigni has now rediscovered the same passage without
being aware of Lis predecessor's work. The Italian edition has, however,
its own value in some improved translations of the text.

After an interval of many years M. Eevillout has followed up his study of
the Coptic texts relative to the Nicene Council by a second volume22 of 400
pages, devoted to a very elaborate " dissertation critique," the value of
which it would be impossible for any one not versed in the history of that
Council and its canons to estimate. One of the author's incidental observa-
tions may be noticed. On p. 449 it appears that he would connect the
ancient half political office of the wrt hnwt n 'Amn—otherwise always
regarded as that of chief of the " concubines " of the god—with the origin
of Christian nunneries in Egypt, and he translates the title " abbesse des
recluses d' Amon." Further, he holds that the existence of such " nuns "
shows that monastic seclusion was adopted, in heathen as in Christian (?)
times, by women earlier than by men. Throughout the work considerable
passages are translated from the Coptic, chiefly from the texts published in
the earlier volume.

Prof. Pietschmann, unaware that the present writer had recognized
{v. this Beport for 1897-98) some graffiti from Faras as containing the
list of the Forty Martyrs, has dealt again, but much more fully, with that
text and the others found beside it.23 As was pointed out last year, these
contain the names of the Seven Sleepers and of the nails (not the
" worms ") of Christ's cross.

Dr. C. Schmidt has, it is announced, found some genuine fragments of
the works of Peter of Alexandria.21 This will be an interesting addition