Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Egypt Exploration Fund [Hrsg.]
Archaeological report: comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the progress of egyptology during the year ... — 1901-1902

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Crum, Walter E.: Progress of Egyptology: christian Egypt
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Christian Egypt.


Prof. Spiegelberg has published a like list referring to Lagarde's text of

Mr. G-ilmore has given the contents of fragments in his possession from
three Bohairic Lectionaries, for the months Hathor—Koiahk, Lent, and
the months Thoth—Mechir respectively.0

Students of the Greek Testament have had several appreciations of the
Egyptian versions put before them of late. Mr. Kenyon in his Handbook
reviews the evidence once more." His palaeographical studies give his
opinion on the age of MSS. etc. especial value. Coptic was, he holds,
available for translations from the Greek before 200 a.d. Notable evidence
for an early translation he sees in the Pachomian injunction as to the
study of Scripture; for the monks there concerned were presumably
illiterate Copts. The results of his examination of the various extant
translations are (1) that the Bohairic tends in all important MSS. toward
the type of Cod. B; (2) that the Sa'idic text, whose MSS. date from at
least the fifth century, is akin to those of Cod. D, the Old Syriac and Old
Latin ; that, though less pure, it may be older than the Bohairic, since its
type is represented by so many early fathers, and became, moreover, so early
extinct; and (3) that the Middle Egyptian versions appear each to be
independent both of the Boh. and Sa'id., though more as to their character
cannot at present be said.

2. Liturgical. Mr. Horner recently gave an analysis of an interesting
MS. of the service used by the Copts in the consecration of a church and
altar. He has now published the Coptic and Arabic texts with a transla-
tion of variants drawn from the edition of Tuki and a Brit. Museum
fragment, fac-simile and indices.s He proposes to date the rite from, at
any rate, after the 5th century. More than half of it is occupied with
lessons. The MS. was written in 1307 at a monastery called PitetrSas,
which Mr. Horner regards as a form of the name Troja, now Turrah, near
Cairo. The introductory paragraphs are in part by the Bishop of

Erman's edition of certain late Sa'idic hymns called attention to a class
of literature previously known only by Zoega's so-called " Triadon " (no.
cccxii); theLeydeu Catalogue subsequently gave us more specimens. Now
Dr. Moller has edited those contained in eleven leaves of a paper MS. at
Berlin.!) These, like Erman's, are written in the peculiar debased, yet appa-
rently systematic, idiom which perhaps superseded the classic forms of Sa'idic.
They consist mainly of short paraphrases of sentiments and maxims drawn
from the Salomonic books, though a few have Christian subjects. No. 48,
tor instance, is distinctly monophysite ; no. 41 refers to the curious legend
