Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 43.2010

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Nr. 1
DOI Artikel:
András, Edit: Public monuments in changing societies
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ARS 43, 2010, 1

Public Monuments in Changing Societies*


As Boris Groys argues m his new bookAh/PoTTW,
post-Communist Eastern Europe is still a blind spot
for Contemporary cultural studies. The held has a
'To77A77cy /o too 77t/0770/7/ Eo7*o/pp/77077/ /7t /7 7*M// /7A 7p77gt
/7o t7/^/'oo/pfow /7op/7A707/A7* /o /7o pro/7/p7*o/7/oE-
07*77, o/9toE oo/77/777/777/7'ot, 07*Eo7X, 7707*z77*o770t, /7*/7A/7077t, z777//
o/Az/TY// 7po77/7/7'ot /o*77^7*A /7o /y)o/7 jpz/oo o/ ////AoTito/A/y,
00//7//77/777'0/7/7077, /777// 07/7p077G7p 777 77 A/7700rA70 Z770//o7*7/ Eo/Zo.
. .. 777 /7o 0/7t0 op TYzA'o^/poA/PA 77777/ /ZA/t/Pp7*Og7Y7//7 [where
he situâtes the utopia of commumsm and the actu-
ally lived socialisms as well] w 7/77/0 /o /7t7^o/ 77 Ep/07*o/7/
AZt/oEoA 7*0777/ A/777 Ao 0770 AtoA^oE py ^77777/777*7/ OT/Pz/TY?/
t/7/AA. 7/ Zt 770/ 77 rOT77/p7*0//7 77 ^*7*0/770^07*77 00//7//7//77Zp/ ^
0/>0/7 tOr/oA ýp 7/7777^7t!*77/ 00/77/7/7/AoAZo77. IGAor 7/ 7t 77 fOT?//
p7*0W 0p077 77777/ APo/JO /77z77Ao/t A/Mg/p 7//OpZz777 00//7/777/A/Zot
^z7toE 077 77 7*0777/77077 7*0/77/777/7/7077/ /O 7? 7*071/77777 71%AA/p7*<yoo/.
P^OtO 77r/7p7*777^ 7//0p77777 7*0/77/777/777/70J* 777*0 770/ Z*/7toE 077 Ao
/^Zt/onA/pT7t/,' Aoy 777*0 770/ 777/07*0t/07/ 777p7*0t07*M77g Z/t /7Y700J,
777 7*077/7777/777^77 /r777T/'/7077/" As he describes, the October
Revolution effectuated such a complété break with
the past, that consequently the Russian avant-garde
artists situated themselves in the future. As a further
OUtCOme of this Situation, "Ao p0t/-00//7/777/77Zt/ tZ/p/00/
/TYZ^oA AZt 7*07//0 777 Ao Op^oE/O Afoo/Zo77, 770/p7*0/77 Aog)z7t/ /O

A public lecture "Public Monuments in Changing Societies",
given by the author at Vysoká škola výtvarných umění in
Bratislava (Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava)
on 6 May 2010, was the basis of this paper.
' GROYS, B: Az/Pcwor. Cambridge (Mass.) — London 2008,
p. 149.
' Ibidem, p. 155.
^ LODDER, C.: Lenin's Plan for Monumental Propaganda,
ln: Ar/ /A Lcyzo/v P<A%/Ag, j7WpV//7*7 77/77/ ArzV/or/z/rcz'zz 7Z

Aop7//7/7*0, ^7//p*0//7 AopZ//Z/7*0 /0 AopO*t/, p7*0//7 Ao 077// 0p A't-
/ory,p7*0/77p0i/At/07?A/( ^0^/7^07*77^/77* /Z/770, /o /A/07A/7/
/Z/770. PoE-7*0/77///7/AE ///Ô Zt /Z/Ô A07/ ^z7/*A^/77*<p 7/ /770Z*0//7077/
/g/7777J*/ Aoý/0777 op /zAo."^ In my essay, I wish to follow
this reversed journey alongside a "trail of pebbles",
námely, unmissable huge public monuments.
Going back to the roots of the socialist public
sphere leads us to Lenin's favourite pet-project, the
Plan for Monumental Propaganda from 1918 that
"/TW 77 7*0/7^7077077/ 0p AotO J*Ao/770J* Z/A/A Lo/zZ/Z tO/ 777 /770/7077
7p/07*/Z?0 Po/700 O/ P7*oE-L7/077tA,pEo7*/0 AopZ/AroAo /77oAA-
^/7077 O/ 77P7*OtOZ/7*OOt /OypgA A0MA0E 777/07*7*077/7077 7777// Ao
G/hZ/llTAT According to Christina Lodder, reaiizing
the potential of visual propaganda was part of the
"/77Z/AZ-/77oAk p7*Op/7g7777//T7 /77/7oA'77o" of the BolsheviksP
Lenin dreamed about a city telling history by
monuments, relocating and adapting Campanella's
Mediterranean CZ/y 0/ /A Az/77 into the Nordic Mos-
cow and PetrogradP As explained by Lunacharski,
Lenin recognized, that the climate "Az7*Ay zzAz/zypoz*
Ao P'OJOOOJ* op 7AA/7 GzZ/^ZizZTZO/A Ao^/770/Z /777/Z Az/t 7*E*AoO//
ykotoooj* A/7 t/A//oP'P Late 19'^ Century Paris with its
self-celebratory statue-mama^ and its claim to equate
the achievements of the French Revolution with the

— B. TAYLOR. Manchester — New York 1993, p. 18.
4 Ibidem, pp. 19, 26.
^ STITES, R.: R<?MAA?Mrt DrM/zzr LAp/A IAY3/Z Expřh-
/^077/ALip /i/ RzzvA// RřwAÁT/. New York - Oxford 1989,
pp. 88-92.
LODDER 1993 (see in note 3), p. 22.
' MICHALSKI, S.: Pz/^A Aíczzz//zzřzz/v Ar/ z'zz Pc AA/ BczzFďgc,
7F70 - /FA. London 1998, pp. 13-55.
