Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The artists repository and drawing magazine: exhibiting the principles of the polite arts in their various branches — 1.1787

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reafon, man appears " little lower than angels,
and crowned with glory and honor." Indeed
fo very different is our opinion of man accord-
ing to the light in which we view him, that
we are ready to exclaim, What is this beino-
whofe wonderful powers foar into remote
fyftems, and explore the limits of creation; or
when he defcends to inveftigate minute ob-
jects, infpects with accuracy the very atoms of
exigence ? Is this being the fuffering fubjeft
of diftrefs, of difeafe, of death!

Since then our diftinguifhing properties are
thofe of the mind, fuch ftudies as are moft
adapted to open and expand the mind, to cul-
tivate the genius, and entertain the imagina-
tion, merit our efpecial regard and protection.

Sciences may be divided into fpeculative
and practical: without any immediate con-
nection with the fervice of mankind, fome
engage the ftudious powers of thought; others
aim at producing or improving implements
of daily utility; the firft require exertions of
the underftanding, to which the latter unite
labor of the hand.

The arts are compounded of fpeculation
and practice; the conceptions of an imagina-
tion lively and vigorous, with a clear and em-
phatical manner of conveying thofe concep-
tions to the fpectator.
