Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The artists repository and drawing magazine: exhibiting the principles of the polite arts in their various branches — 1.1787

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Drawing is the art of refsrefenting the ap-
pearances of objects: it expreffes by lines and
fhadows the refemblance of any thing whatever,
and even produces to the infpeclion or others
the conceptions of the mind.

The materials ufed in drawing are pens,
black-lead pencils, camel's hair pencils, Indian
ink and India rubber; Chalks, white, red, and
black; a T fquare, a parallel ruler, and com-
paries. Various forts of paper are ufed to
work upon ; for Indian ink, white and fine;
for chalk, more rough and coarfe ; for black
and white chalks, blue or brown, &c. according
to the fancy of the artift.

The ufe of the black-lead pencil is to form
an accurate outline, to be finifhed in Indian
ink j India rubber erafes black lead lines
very neatly ; theT fquare, ruler and compafies,
are neceffary in drawing perfpeclive, architec-
ture, &c. but mould never be applied to
figures j the (ludent fhould learn to fee them
correclly without fuch injurious affiftance. As a
great matter expreffed himfelf, " the compaffes
fhould be in the eye, not in the hand."

I wifh to inform my young friends, that it is
of confequence to have good materials, it is
not genuine ceconomy to purchafe thofe which
are but indifferent; as they will not only give
great trouble in working, but may perhaps oc-
