Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The artists repository and drawing magazine: exhibiting the principles of the polite arts in their various branches — 1.1787

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moving, how exprefs and admirable! in action,
how like an angel! in apprehenfion, how like a
God ! the beauty of the world ! the paragon of
animals VI

If, amiclft the infirmities to which human na-
ture is now expofed, man is the c beauty of the
world, the paragon of animalsif his form now
excites love, and refpecl -} fhall we turn our
thoughts to his original purity, when no difeafe
pained him, no calamity molefted him j when
health of body, united with vigor of mind, un-
polluted, untainted ; when the firft pair,

(The lovelieft pair
That ever fince in loves embraces met,
Adam the goodlieft man of men fince born,
His fons, the faired of her daughters Eve)

With native honour clad
In naked majefty feem'd lords of all,
And worthy feem'd ; for in their looks divine
The image of their glorious maker fnone
Truth, wifdorn, fantlitude fevere and pure,
Severe but in true filial freedom plac'd ;
Whence true authority in men : though both
Not equal, as their fex not equal feem'd j
For contemplation he and valour form'd,
For foftnefs fhe and fweet attractive grace,
He for God only, fhe for God in him :
His fair large front and eye fublime declar'd
