Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The artists repository and drawing magazine: exhibiting the principles of the polite arts in their various branches — 1.1787

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The firft thing to be done in drawing &
head, is to trace the perpendicular line through
the centre of the forehead, nofe, mouth, and
chin j then the crofs lines for the eyes, nofe,
mouth, &c. This rule is univerfal, and ap-
plicable in every afpect of the head. Having
lightly traced thefe lines, proceed to mark the
features, their extent, and projection j thefe
being in their proper places, infert the other
parts, hair, &c. (paying great regard to the
oval of the face,, and to the turn of the neck:)
finifh the whole, by giving to each part that
tone of color which it requires.

Thus have we attended fomewhat to the,
human figure in general, and more particu-
larly to the parts which compofe the heads
whofe divifions we have noticed; the appear-
ances of the features in various afpects; their
proportions and ufes: but let us not flatter
ourfelves that our progrefs is complete; for
were a head compofed ever fo exactly accord-
ing to the meafures we have mentioned, it
would yet be very diftant from that animation
and vigor which might feem to impart life to
it j that can only be attained by the addition
of a certain natural likenefs, or character,
whofe principles will be the fubjed of our
next difcourfe.
