Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The artists repository and drawing magazine: exhibiting the principles of the polite arts in their various branches — 1.1787

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or to avoid what appears offenfive ; if difap-
pointed in the attainment of what is defired,
or the prevention of what is offenfive, the
paffions of the mind exprefs its feeling and
refentment of its fituation. In general, what-
ever raifes a paflion in the mind, produces an
action of the body for the mind is well af-
fured, that, would it receive what it defires,
the hand muft be employed as the organ of
reception; or would it advance towards an
object, the exertion of the foot is indifpen-
fable; or would it efcape from what feems
dangerous, it is not to be accomplished by
Handing ftill, but by vigorous alacrity. Now
as it is certain that bodily motions are the
refult of mental paffions, in examining this
fubject, we defire to know what motions of the
body are peculiar to any certain paffion : that
fome are peculiar is evident, fince otherwife
they might be mifunderftood, or at leaft in-
terpreted at random, which we have juft ob-
ferved they are not. This rather relates to
the figure than to the countenance} we (hall
therefore referve a confideration of it to its
proper place: But I apprehend a few flight
hints on the fubjecl; of the paffions may not
improperly be introduced here.

When the philofopher Simonides was de-
fired to give a definition of Deity, he re-

S i quelled