Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The artists repository and drawing magazine: exhibiting the principles of the polite arts in their various branches — 1.1787

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duce agony, rage, defpair; and the fcale is
too fadly perfect in its lower department.
Should any of my auditors wilh to trace the
defcription of the paffions in this order, it may
not be without its ufe.

If a moralift was defcanting on this fubjecl,
he might remark, that happinefs is only to be
found in the medium ftate > that there are
many more paffions to be placed on the lower
divifion of the fcale, than on the upper; that
our nature is more expofed to them ; and that
the fuperior paffions mould be encouraged,
cherilhed, and promoted, to balance the oper-
ations of the inferior: He might remark,
that, to indulge any paffion, will in time pro-
duce fo ftrongly the marks of that paffion in
the countenance, as to disfigure the molt
lovely features; he might therefore requeft
his hearers to avoid whatever may injure their
perfonal beauty, by difturbing their mental
ferenity ; and might point out the vanity of
what is often (falfely) efteemed beauty, unlefs
accompanied by good fenfe, good manners,
and good nature j by a modeft carriage, a
cultivated underftanding, and a virtuous mind.
