Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The artists repository and drawing magazine: exhibiting the principles of the polite arts in their various branches — 1.1787

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dwellings, provide their food, regulate their
focial connexions, command, or obey the
commands of others, with fuch regularity,
diligence, and fidelity, as fhould put many
of the fons of men to the blufh ? <c Go to
the Ant, thou fluggard, confider her ways,
and be wife:" go to the Bee, and learn in-
duftry ; to the Beaver, and obferve his dam ;
or let the feathered folk inftrucl thee, whofc
dwellings are models of ingenuity, whofe
parental affections are examples for imitation ;
tf the Eagle exciting her neftlings, broodeth.
over her young, expandeth her wings, taketh
them, and fupporteth them on her pinions,'*
training them up to celerity and courage.

"What then is Man ? whofe intellectual
faculties have fubdued to his fervice not a
few of his fellow creatures, and occafionally
manifefted his dominion over every fpecies of
animals : by his ftrength has he vanquished
the ftrong ? by his fpeed furpaffed the fwift ?
Not in fuch competition appears our fuperi-
ority; but in thofe mental exertions by which
we inveftigate the Laws of nature, and the
appointments of providential wifdom : Set a
Newton as an inftance of what Humanity
is capable.

And is no trace of thefe faculties apparent
in his figure ? has his mental abilities no
