Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The artists repository and drawing magazine: exhibiting the principles of the polite arts in their various branches — 1.1787

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fy movements are oce aliened by the fhortnds
of his limbs, The lame advantage has a grey-
hound over a cur,

In the majeftic fwan the various turns of his
neck are very graceful* becaufe its movements
are not fudden but moderate 5 a goofe may
vainly attempt imitation : when Ibe floops at
entering a barn, fhe may fhew much difcre-
tion, prudence and fagacity, but no grace: nor
when a duck intreats admiffion to a farm yard,
does the rifing and falling of her neck excite
any greater idea of elegant movement, than
her garrulity of elegant difcourfev

But we mufl remember,that the fame graces,
and movements are not equally becoming to
figures of every kind: the facility of graceful
motion we have been defcribing by no means
agrees with the vulgar manners of boors, nor
with that rigidity, or thofe infirmities which
accompany age.

The purfuit of thefe remarks would natu-
rally lead us to the principles of Character %
but as they are to be the fubjed of our nest
difcourfe, to that difcourfe we refer them,

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