Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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A Greek theatre consists of three parts : the scene-structure (with
the stage), the orchestra, and the kolXov or auditorium. These parts
are so distinct that they must be discussed separately. First, we
shall consider the ruins of the scene-structure.


As a preface to any explanation of the complicated lines of wall
which lie upon the south side of the theatre, it should be said that the
problem which they present is no easy one, and that, outside of cer-
tain quite distinct limits, definite statements concerning them must
rest chiefly on uncertain theories. It is, however, possible to make
out the foundations of the oldest or Hellenic scene and of the post-
scenium wall at the back of it with a high degree of certainty ; and
we may also feel sure of the position of the ancient parascenia, though
their exact limits cannot be defined. Some traces also remain of work
which probably belongs to the time of Lycurgus. The additions to the
theatre made in Roman times, however, make many points uncertain,
though we can generally distinguish the Roman from the Hellenic work
both by construction and by position.

The lines of wall io-n, 6-8 and 7-9 (at right angles with 10-11),
and 20-22, form the skeleton, as it were, of the whole building. We
shall later see reason, however, for thinking that 20-22 originally had
the support and covering of a contiguous wall on the south, which was
probably narrower than the present Piraic-stone wall 23-24. All the
walls first mentioned are built of conglomerate stone, and are of care-

* See the plan of the theatre. The dotted parts represent conglomerate
stone; and those which are "cross-hatched" denote that Piraic stone is used, or
that evidence exists of its former presence.