Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The Artist's Assistant, In the Study and Practice of Mechanical Sciences: Calculated for the Improvement of Genius. Illustrated with Copper-Plates — Birmingham, [ca. 1785]

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The addition of the the alum is neceffary, to neu-
tralize the remains of the alkaline falts, or peari-
afhes ; which would otherwife greatly deprave the
fpirit, with refpect to varnifhes and lacquers, whets
vegetable colours are concerned, and muft confe-
quently render another diftillation neceffary.

The manner of ufing the feed-lac, or white var-
saiihes, is the fame ; except with regard to the fub-
ftance ufed in polifhing, which, where a purewhite3
er great clearnefs of other colours, is in quefr.ion.
fhould be itfelf white; whereas the browner forts of
polifhing duft, as being cheaper, and doing their
bufinefs with greater difpatch, may be ufed in other
cafes. The pieces, or work, to be varnifhed fhould
be placed near a fire, or in a room where there is a.
llove, and made perfeclly dry ; and then the varnifh.
may be rubbed over them by the proper brufhes
made for that purpofe, beginning in the middle, and
paffing the brufh to one end ; and then, with another
ftroke from the middle, palling it to the other. But
no part fhould be croffed or twice paffed over, in
forming one coat, where it can poffibly be avoided.
When one coat is dry, another muft be laid over it;
and this muft be continued at leaft five or fix times,
or more, if on trial, there be not a fufficient thicknefs
©f varnifh to bear the polifh, without laying bare the
painting, or the ground colour underneath.

When a fufficient number of coats is thus laid on,
the work is fit to be polifhed; which muft be done,
in common cafes, by rubbing it with a rag dipped in
tripoli (commonly called rotten ftone) finely powder-
ed. But towards the end of the rubbing, a little
oil of any kind fhould be ufed along with the pow-
der ; and when the work appears fufficiently bright
and gloffy, it fhould be well rubbed with the oil
