Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Joseph Baer & Co., Buchhandlung und Antiquariat; Müntz, Eugène [Bearb.]
Bibliothek Eugen Müntz: hervorragende Sammlung von Werken zur Geschichte und Theorie der Kunst (2. Teil): Die Kunst des Mittelalters: altchristliche, byzantinische, frühmittelalterliche, karolingische, romanische, gothische, slavische Kunst (Katalog Nr. 478) — Frankfurt am Main: Joseph Baer & Co., 1904

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Karolingische, romanische und gothische Kunst. 105
Villa-Amil, G. P. de, Espaüa artistica y monumental. Paris 1842—50.
3 vol. gr. folio. Avec nombr. planches. Ex. de souscription, en 3
portefeuilles. M. 180. —
5. Grossbritannien.
Antiquarian Repertory, a miscellaneous assemblage of topograpy,
history, biography, customs and manners, compiled by F. Grose,
Th. Astle, etc. 4 vols with 243 portraits, viewsand plates. Lond.
1807. Large paper copy roy. 4to russia gilt, gilt edges. M. 135. —
Armagh. Reeves, W., The ancient churches of Armagh. W. 1 map.
Lusk 1860. 8°. br. \ M. 3. —
Barber, M., Some drawings of ancient embroidery. Thirty specimens.
Lond. 1880. Folio. Cloth. M. 90. —
Enthält auf 30 chromolithogr. Tfln. Muster altenglischer Kirchenstickerei. In kleiner
Auflage gedruckt und selten.
Baronial Halls, The, and ancient picturesque edifices of England. From
drawings by J. D. H ardi ng, G. Gattermole, S. Prout, W. Müller, etc.
Executed in coloured Lithotints. Text by S. C. Hall. 2 vols. with 71
tinted plates and numerous woodcuts. Lond. 1858. sm. Fol. Hfmor.
gilt top. M. 90. —
Bishopstone. Carter a. Le Keux, Some account of the Church of
St. John the Baptist of Bishopstone in the county of Wilts, with
the illustrations of its architecture. With 18 plates. Lond. 1845. 4°.
Hlfrz. Etwas stockfleckig. M. 10. —
Blackburne, G. L., Sketches, graphic and descriptive, for a history of
the Decorative Painting, applied to Engüsh archi'ecture, during the
middle ages. With Title and 24 plates beautifully printed in gold
and colours. London 1847. kl. Folio. 2. 12. 6. d.) Hfmor. gilt. top.
M. 36. —
Bloxam, M. H., Glimpse at the Monumental architecture and sculp-
ture of Gr. Britain from the earliest period to the 18 cent. With 55
illustr. (also of Roman monuments.) Lond. 1834. sm. 8°. Hlfmor. scarce.
M. 7. 50
- Die mittelalterliche Kirchen-Baukunst in England. Mit 215 Figuren.
Lpz. 1847. 8°, Cart. Vergr. M. 6. —
Boutell, Oh., Monumental brasses and slabs, an historical and des-
criptive notice of the incised monumental memorials of the Middle
Ages. With numerous plates and woodcuts. London 1817. Imp. 8°.
cloth. M. 30. —
Brandon, R. J. A., Analysis of Gothic Architecture illustr. by a
series of 700 examples of doorways Windows. New ed. 2 vols.
with a great number of plates and woodc. Lond. 1860. 4°. 5. 5 sh.)
cloth. M. 32. —
— The Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages, illustr. by perspec-
tive and working drawings of some of the best varieties of Church
Roofs; with descript. letter-press. With43 plates, (some c o 1 o ured)
London 1860. 4°. (£ 3. 3 sh.) cloth. M. 25. —
Bristol. William Wyrcestre Redivivus Notices of ancient
Church Architecture in the 15. Century, particularly in Bristol. With
many woodcuts. Bristol (1823). 4°. br. M. 3. —
Britton, J., The architectural antiquities of Great Britain. 4 vols. Lond.
1807- 14. 4°. with many plates. hl. brown mor. uncut, gilt top. M. 90. —
O rigin al e dition.

Lagercatalog 478.