Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Joseph Baer & Co., Buchhandlung und Antiquariat; Müntz, Eugène [Bearb.]
Bibliothek Eugen Müntz: hervorragende Sammlung von Werken zur Geschichte und Theorie der Kunst (4. Teil): Die Kunst der Renaissance außerhalb Italiens: Deutschland, die Niederlande, Frankreich, Spanien, England, Dänemark (Katalog Nr. 480) — Frankfurt am Main: Joseph Baer & Co., 1904

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Die Renaissance in England u. Dänemark.
Viardot, L., Notice sur les principaux peintres de l’Espagne. Paris 1839.
Imp.-8°. br. M. 3. —
VI. Die Renaissance in England und Dänemark.
Baronial Halls, The, and ancient picturesque edifices of England.
From drawings by J. D. Har ding, G. Gatter mol e, S. Prout, W.
Müller etc. Executed in coloured Lithotints. Text by S. C. Hall.
2 vols. with 71 tinted plates and numerous woodcuts. London 1858.
sm. folio. Hfmor. gilt top. M. 90. —
*Best edition.
Burns, Th., Old Scottish communion plate. With pref. by J. Mac-
gregor a. chronol. tables of Scottish hall marks by A. J. S. Brook.
With many plates a. numerous woodcuts. Edinburgh 1892. 4°. Hfmo-
rocco, gilt top uncut. M. 120. —
*One of the 175 copies on large paper. Copy Nr. 17.
Dallaway, J., A series of discourses upon architecture in England fr.
the Norman aera to the close of the reign of Queen Elisabeth. Lon-
don 1833. gr. 80. (14 sh.) Cloth. M. 8. —
— Les Beaux Arts en Angletterre. Publ. et augm. de notes par A. L.
Millin. 2 vols. Paris 1807. gr. 8°. br. M. 6. —
Davenport, C., English embroidered book bindings. With 52 partly colou-
red plates. Lond. 1899. 4°. Orig, cloth top gilt. M. 10. —
Diesen, R. and J. P. Edmond, Annals of the Scottish printing from
the introduction of the art in 1507 to the beginning of the XVII th.
Century. Cambr. 1890. 4°. With 78 illustr. cloth uncut. M. 36. —
*Higgins, A., On the work of Florentine sculptors in England in the
early part of the 16. Century. With special references to the tombs
of Card. Wolsey and king Henry VIII. With 11 plates. London 1894.
8°. M. 7. 50
Howard, M., Old London Silver, its history, its makers and its marks.
With 200 illustr. and over 4000 facsim. of maker’s marks and hall-
marks. Lond. 1903. 4°. calf, gilt top. M. 50. —
Mozley, T., Henry VII, Prince Arthur and Cardinal Morton, from a
group represent. the adoration of the 3 kings on the Chancel screen
of Plymtree Church in the county of Devon. W. woodcuts and 6 pla-
tes, 4 of which beautifully coloured. London 1878. fol. cloth gilt
edges. M. 36. —
— The same. Small edition. With woodc. and 3 colour. plates. Lond.
no. d. (188 .) Roy.-8°. cloth unc. M. 15. —
*Both edifions are privately printed.
(Richardson, C. J.), Studies from old English mansions, their funi-
ture, gold and silver plates, etc. 4 vols. with 133 plates. London 1841
—1848. 40. cloth. M. 150. —
*Scharf, G., On a votive painting of St. George a. the dragon with
kneeling figures of Henry VII. his queen, a. children. With 1 pl.
London 1886. 4°. swd. unc. M. 4. —
Shaw, Details of Elizabethan architecture. With 60 plates. London,
Pickering 1839. 4°. {£ 3. 3 sh.) Hmor. M. 30. —

Neckelmann, S., Denkmäler der Renaissance in Dänemark. Text von
F. Meldahl. Mit 47 Lichtdrucktfln. Berl. 1888. gr. folio. (M. 50.—)
In eleg. Mappe. M. 36. —
Joseph Baer & Co., Frankfurt a. M.