Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrow, John [Editor]
Dictionarium Polygraphicum: Or, The Whole Body of Arts Regularly Digested: Illustrated with Fifty-six Copper-Plates. In Two Volumes (Band 1) — London, 1758

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with a phial of dew in one hand, and various flowers in the
other, which fhe fcatters upon the earth.

She is alfo defcribed, holding in one hand a flaming torch,
and drawn in a gorgeous chariot, befpangled with ftars, by
winged Pegafus ; which favour fhe is feigned to have obtained
from Jupiter by many importunate requefts, prefently after the
downfal of Bellerophon.

She is fabled to be the herald and mefTenger of Phoebus, and
as receiving her being from the virtue of his beams ; and is no
other than that rubicund and vermilion blufh, which appears
in the caff, before the rifing of the fun.

AURUM Mufuurti) \ a fort of liquid gold for writing :

AURUM Mufwumt \ Take fine cryftal and orpiment, of
each one ounce; pound them feverally, till they are reduced to
a very fine powder; then grind them together well with glair.

With this you may write either with pen or pencil, and the
letter or draught will be of a good colour.

Aurum Sopbi/licum, mimic gold, a chymical preparation,
made as follows: Take fine diftilled verdigreafe, eight ounces;
crude Alexandrian tutty, four ounces; borax, twelve ounces;
falt-petre, one ounce and a half; puh'erife and mix them all to-
gether, tempering them with oil to the confiftence of a plaifter;
then put a German crucible into a wind-furnace; heat it red-
hot, and, putting your mafs into it, let it be covered, and the
furnace filled with coals over the crucible. When the mafs is
melted, let it cool of itfelf; then break the crucible, and you
will find at the bottom a fine regulus, like gold, weighing about
four ounces, which, being malleable, may be wrought into any

AUTHORITY, is reprefented, in painting, like a grave
matron, fitting in a chair of ffate, richly cloathed in a gar-
ment embroidered with gold ; holding in her right hand a fword,
and in her left a fcepter, and by her fide is a double trophy of
books and arms. Her age and gravity indicates Authority, as
alfo do the throne, on which fhe is feated, and the fplendid ha-
bit, the pre-eminence perfons in Authority have over others;
the fword lifted up denotes fovereign power, and the fcepter
is alfo an enfien of Authority.

AUTUMN, is reprefented, in painting, by a man at per-
fect age, cloathed like the vernal, and likewife girded with a
ffarry girdle ; holding in one hand a pair of fcales, equally
poifed, with a globe in each ; in the other a bunch of divers
fruits and grapes. The age denotes the perfection of this
feafbn, when fruits are ripe. The balance, or libra, is one of
the twelve fl^ns of the zodiac, which denotes Autumn.

AZURE, a mineral colour, prepared from the lapis Arme-