Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrow, John [Editor]
Dictionarium Polygraphicum: Or, The Whole Body of Arts Regularly Digested: Illustrated with Fifty-six Copper-Plates. In Two Volumes (Band 1) — London, 1758

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away; (that the preffing of the body may not fqueefe out the
intrails, and fpread and fmear the impreflion) then lay the pa-
per on a fmooth board, with the wings of the Butterfly up-
warJs, and on the fly another paper, and a fmooth trencher
upon that; and put the boards, paper, and wings all together
into a Hnen fcrew-prefs, and fcrew it down very hard, and let
it ffand in it for an hour ; and then take off the Butterfly's
wings, and there will rema;n on the paper their perfecl: impref-
fion in all their beautiful colours. But, if you have not a fcrew-
prefs, lay weights upon your uppermoff. board, and it will come
off very well. *

The reafon of this is, that all the fine colours that appear on
the wings of a Butterfly, are a fort of fine feathers, or rather
a powder, which flicks fo faff to the gum, that, when the gum
is cry, they leave the wing.

After you have thus gotten the beautiful wings, you may
draw the body, &c. of a Butterfly, and colour the drawing of
it after the life.

Nicholas BYER, was a hiftory and face painter, born at
Dronthem in Norway. He was much employed by the late
Sir William Temple, at his houfe at Shene, near Richmond,
in Surrey, where he died about fixty-fix or fixty-feven years
ago. He was a painter of good hopes, but died young, the
effeof of an intemperate life. He lived with Sir William three
or four years, during all which time, he was conftantly em-
ployed by him in one fort of painting or other. One thing is
remarkable in him, and that is, that he was the firft man that
was buried in St. Clement's Danes, after it was rebuilt, and,
which had been firft built by his countrymen,


CB. fignifies Cornelius Bofs. This artifl engraved Julio
• Romano's Bacchanal.
C. Bl. I fignifies Cornelius Rloemart, fon of the famous
Born. Bio. ) Dutchman, Abraham Bloemart.
C. Bicker, the mark of Cornelius Bleher in certain hiftorical
landfcapes, 1636.

CALAMINARIS Lapis, or Calamine ftone, in natural
hiftory, the name of a mineral fubftance, which is properly the
ore of zink. It is a fpungy fubftance of a lax and cavernous
ftruclure, yet confiderably heavy- It is found in maffes of va-
rious and irregular figures, with rugged protuberant and caver-
nous furfaces ; there are of all fizes from an ounce to ten or
twelve pounds weight, and often much more than that.
