Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrow, John [Hrsg.]
Dictionarium Polygraphicum: Or, The Whole Body of Arts Regularly Digested: Illustrated with Fifty-six Copper-Plates. In Two Volumes (Band 1) — London, 1758

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■©f it T^etween your finger and thumb, and rubbing thern together;
if it be good, it will be of a bright, rich, golden luftre; if bad,
it will be of a dull, clayifh colour. ' The coarfer fort works well
with gold fize, but not with gum water. It is of different
prices, according to the goodnefs; the beff, is worth twelve or
fourteen (hillings the ounce, when, at the fame time, fome other
forts are not worth above four or five millings the ounce. The
middle fort, which is worth eight or nine fhillings the ounce,
will work well.

Silver Dust. The heft of this comes from abroad, having
a lively bright luftre, like that of polifhed or new coined filver,
which is to be perceived by rubbing it between your finger and
thumb; whereas the worfer fort, which is made in England,
is dull, dead, and heavy, more fit for a colour than a metal.
The difference is eafily perceived by comparing them together.
The beff. is worth fixteen fhillings the ounce ; the other coun-
terfeit is not at all valuable.

Green gold Dust, is an adulterated or mixed metal, cafting
a kind of dead, greenifh colour, and is worth about fix fhillings
the ounce. This, as alfo the following, are ufed in garments,
flowers, houfes, and the like, making the work more beautiful
and furprifing.

Sullied or dirty-coloured Gold Dust, is alfo a kind of adulte-
rated metal, bearing fome refemblance to droffy gold. The
price is fix fhillings the ounce, and is ufed for the fame occafioas
as the former.

Tin Dust or powder, is made of block tin ground to powder,
and is of a dull, dark, but filverifh colour; it is ufed in rocks.,
&c. and is fold for fix fhillines the ounce.

Natural copper Dust, is made of copper ground, without
mixture, to duff. This is of the true natural colour of copper,
and is fold for fix or feven fhillings the ounce.

Artificial copper Dust. This exceeds the natural, and is more
deep or reed ; but very clear, and of a bright fhining colour,
and fhews, how far art can outdo nature. It is fold for about
ten fhillings the ounce.

Adulterated copper Dust, is of a thick, heavy, dull, metallic
colour, and commonly ufed to work other metals on ; for, being
laid as a ground, you may hatch or heighten with bright gold,
or other fhining meta! 5 it is fold for about fix millings an ounce.

Sir Anthony- Van DYKE, was born at Antwerp, anno 1599,
and Rubens, his matter, fearing he would become as univerfal
as himfelf, to divert him from hiftories, ufed to commend his
talent in painting after the life, and he kept him continually em-
ployed in bufinefs of that nature, fo that he refolved at laft to
make it his principal ttudy ; and, for his improvement, went to

ft 4> Venice,'