Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrow, John [Editor]
Dictionarium Polygraphicum: Or, The Whole Body of Arts Regularly Digested: Illustrated with Fifty-six Copper-Plates. In Two Volumes (Band 1) — London, 1758

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322 F A C

printing was found outby John Guttemberg of Strafburg ; he died
anno 1441, having fome years before his deceafe communicated

his invention to his fifter Margaret.


FB. ftands for Francis Briccio of Bologna, painter; he err-
• graved the pieces of Lewis Carracci.
F. B. B. father Bonaventura Bifi of Bologna, called il Padro
Pittorino, or the painting friar.

F. B. V. I. fignifies Frederic Barocci of Urbino, inv. he
fometimes, inftead of the I put F, i. e. fecit.

7'be proportion of a man of ten FACES. From the top of the
head to the fole of the foot is divided into ten equal parts.

1. The fir ft diftance begins at the top of the head, and reaches
to the root of the chin.

2. The fecond, from thence to the throat-pit.

3. The third, from thence to the parting of the breafts.

4. The fourth, from thence to the privities, which isjuftthe
middle of the length of the body.

From thence to the fole of the foot are five ports more ; two
of which are between the privities and the mid-knees; and three
more to the fole of the foot.

The firft of the ten parts, which is for the Face, is to be di-
vided into three equal parts; the firft beginning at the upper part
of the forehead, and ending upon the upper crofs-line of the eye-

The fecond diftance reaches from thence to the bottom of the

The third reaches to the bottom of the chin, which is the firft
and uppermofl divifion.

Now, in a foreright, be fure to place the eyes the length of
one eye diftance from another; and the length of one eye the
bottom of the nofeis to be.

The breadth of this body alfo confifts of ten Faces, viz. be-
tween the extremities of both the middle fing-ers, when the arms
are extended or fpread abroad ; and it is thus divided.

1. The hand, from the end of the middle finger to the wrift,
is the length of a Face, or one of the tenth parts.

2. From the wrift to the elbow, a Face and am half.

3. From the elbow to the fhoulder joint, two Faces.

4. From thence to the throat-pit, one Face.
The hands have the proportion of one Face.

The nipples muft be placsd at the diftance of a Face and" an

