Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrow, John [Hrsg.]
Dictionarium Polygraphicum: Or, The Whole Body of Arts Regularly Digested: Illustrated with Fifty-six Copper-Plates. In Two Volumes (Band 1) — London, 1758

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F U S S59

doth, one half of which is to be melted in two paiis of river or
fpring water made as hot as the hand can well bear it.

This folution is to be poured by little and little upon the cloth,
in proportion as it is laid in the trough; and thus fulled for full two
hours, and more ; after which it is to be taken out and ftretched.

Which being done, the cloth is to be immediately put again
into the fame trough without any new foap, and then fulled for
two hours more ; then it is to be taken out and wrung well, to
exprefs or fqueefe out all the greafe or filth.

After the fecond Fulling the remainder of the foap is melted
as the former, and caft, at four different times, on the cloth, al-
ways remembering to take out the cloth to ffretch it every two
hours, and to get out the plaits and wrinkles it has acquired in the

When it is perceived to be fufficiently fulled, and brought to
that quality and thicknefs it mould be, it is fcoured out for good
in hot water, keeping it in the trough till quite clean.

As to white cloths, becaufe they full more eafily, and in lefs
time than coloured ones, a third part of foap will ferve.

Fulling of/lockings, caps, &c. mould be performed fomc-
thing differently, viz. either with the feet or the hands with a
kind of rack or wooden machine, either armed with teeth of the
fame matter, or elfe horfes or bullocks teeth.

The ingredients ufed in Fulling; thefe are urine, green foap,
white foap, and fullers earth; but the urine is looked upon as

Wove {lockings mould be fulled with foap only j but knit
{lockings may have fullers earth ufed with the foap.

FURY, is reprefented, in painting, by amanfhewing mad-
nefs in his looks, his eyes tied with a fillet, in a pofture as if he
had a mind to throw a bundle of arms bound up ; in a fhort ha-
bit. The fillet denotes the understanding loft, when madnefs has
dominion ; for madnefs is the blindnefs of the mind. The arms
fignify that Fury is ever armed for revenge ; the fhort garment
(hews that he refpecls neither decency nor good manners,

FUSTIC, Hs a yellow wood ufed in dying. The colour it

FUSTOC, S yields is a fine golden yellow ; but there ought
to be fome other ingredients mixed with it to make it lafting.

The tree that produces it grows in all the Antilles iflands,
but particularly in Tabago, where it grows to a very great height.

It is ufed by dyers chiefly in dying blacks; but fome fay it
fhould not be ufed at all.

There is alfo another kind of Fuftic or fuftel growing in Ita-
ly, Provence, &c, ufed in dying a coffee colour,

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