Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrows, Samuel J.
The isles and shrines of Greece — Boston, 1898

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up with club-rooms, reading-room, and library for
members, with a large hall for lectures and concerts,
and on the lower floors class-rooms for the poor boys
who are educated by the Society. Night schools arc-
maintained for newsboys and bootblacks, and others
who work during the day. Over twelve hundred
boys are thus provided for yearly. Courses of lec-
tures of popular interest are held. The club with
its wide membership is a social as well as an educa-
tive influence.

Then there are hospitals for the insane, for the
incurable, and for general invalids. A society of
Friends of the Poor retains ten doctors, who visit
the poor when sick. The Friends of the People
engage in the work of popular instruction. The Asy-
lum of St. Catharine shelters orphan girls. Another
society, organized by Madame Parren, furnishes in-
struction and help to working-girls. Under the
presidency of Mademoiselle Kchaya a prisoner's aid
association conducts schools in the prison near Athens,
and distributes literature. This and other societies
are under the patronage of the queen, who is active in
all benevolent work. The recent war with Turkey laid
an immense task on the women of Athens, which they
fulfilled with remarkable energy and devotion. They
forwarded medical supplies to the field, established a
hospital with trained nurses for the wounded, shel-
tered the refugees, and are now seeking to educate
the children made orphans through the war. There
are various other educational and philanthropic move-
ments. I do not undertake to catalogue them here,
but simply to show that the Greeks are fulfilling the
second commandment as well as the first.