Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Beaufort, Francis
Karamania, or a brief description of the south coast of Asia-Minor and of the remains of antiquity: with plans, views, &c. ; collected during a survey of that coast, under the orders of the lords commissioners of the admiralty, in the years 1811 & 1812 — London, 1817

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AYASH. 241

populousness, that serves onty, on a nearer
approach, to heighten the contrast with
its real poverty and degradation.

Ayash is the name given by the pre-
sent inhabitants, to a collection of miser-
able huts, which are surrounded by the
ruins of a town that formerly occupied a
considerable space of ground. The most
conspicuous of these ruins is a temple,
finely placed on the projecting ridge of
a low hill. The columns of this temple
are of the composite order, fluted, and
about four feet in diameter; there are
only a few of them now standing, and it
would seem that the rest had been pros-
trated by the shock of an earthquake.
The singular displacement of the blocks
of two of the columns, which are still
erect, led to this conjecture; in one of
them the middle stone of the shaft has
been forced out sideways so as to pro-
ject some inches, though the upper stone
preserves its original position; and in the
other column the upper block has, in
falling, been caught in the most unac-
